March 27, 2015

on y va # qui mal y pense

 Toques et Clochers commenced with the vernisage of the arts show tonight.
No-one we knew won anything - indeed, hardly anyone we knew participated - so I snapped Kat in front of her pic not even waiting for the speeches and the free drink before leaving for Esperaza and the house of Max.
There a gaggle of international travellers assembled until hunger drove us out. The Normandy Moules Frites called and we ate massively and cheaply and not too badly. (The TyRex is closed; work is being done on the structure so with luck its going to be open again soon)
Conversation was broad based across many disciplines.  Marvellous to have such quality visitors.

There was an alarmingly sad note tonight. Jim Hankinson, friend and philosopher par excellence - who spent xmas with us - is in hospital, not having reached the airport for his return trip to his university in America. Car smashed and himself in it, two to four weeks in hospital. Will visit next week and report.

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