March 9, 2015

Home again whahey

 Made it back yesterday and here's a handy hint for you public transport lovers; DO NOT TRAVEL FROM GIRONA ON A SUNDAY. Its possible - I'm living proof- but it ain't easy. And its mighty expensive, cost more than my flights to and from Marrakesh.
On the other hand, stopping at Narbonne made it possible to visit my favorite pagan deity, see below.
They dug him up when they built the station and hes stayed there (in the waiting room) though from time to time he gets to travel and expose elsewhere. Hes been slightly restored since I last saw him, looks less bad.

Ate pizza and drank red wine with Kat last night, just to make sure I'm really home.

So far today have reconnected the electricity in Bobs house - thank you to Graham who explained how. Been to the bank to try and reclaim the money stolen from my account and have  papers to take to the local police. Its a crime, we need crime numbers to set about reimbursing me. Have been to the doctor to make an appointment with a pneumonologist who will also test for allergies to find out why I'm breathless... no end to the excitement :)

And the weather is gorgeous, daffs are up, violets and snowdrops and such like sitting about doing nothing. Wonderful place, Esperaza.

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