April 17, 2024

speed gossip

Wee Ann said we look as if we are waiting for our carers to collect us.

Great soiree at the ex-creperie, now le marin d'eau douce but generally known as Kevins. 

*Tobys flight was cancelled yesterday - weather stuff - but we expect her today. 
*Took tea with Karin and Jem at their new gaff in Couiza on Monday - no photos but lovely place and they are pleased and happy. Working hard to create an on site gite, of which more anon.

Grey and cold. Out of the frying pan, into the fridge. Bah.


April 15, 2024

Hot and heady with the Vox Vallis

 I'd thought since so many friends were actually in the choir, there would be lots of seating for those of use who are not - but the MJC was packed -

extra seating was called for but there were still people standing. I got there early but if dear Claudine hadn't saved me a seat, I'd have been hanging from the roof :)

Vox Vallis are very good and the fact they can pull crowds is evidence.... see www.voxvallis.com 
Congratulations to all involved! Alex and James for the organisation and the choir for the rest. Keep up the good work everyone.
Bad planning on my part meant I had to skip the apero afterwards. The parrots had to be exercised before nightfall and generally cleaned and fed - being market day I hadn't done them at their normal time. Like I say, bad planning...

Keep cool out there. Forecast says temps are dropping soon.

April 14, 2024

on the razzle

 Wee Ann is visiting, hurrah! -  and John is in Ireland, Roland in the Ariege, Bob in London. The four of us hoofed it to Le Healthy and behaved in a decorous fashion. 

Met Pete in the market, also abandoned by his partner. Nel is in Amsterdam. We had coffee at tout l'ap and addressed some global issues.

It was calm and cool in there, unlike everywhere else. Market packed and hot. 
This evening, 5.00, don't forget! Vox Vallis at the MJC. See you there.

April 13, 2024


That's yesterdays temperature, not nostalgia for past decades.

 Look what was looking at me this morning! Its on Tobys' windowsill, opposite my new bedroom. It's about the size of my hand. Ain't nature marvellous.

April 10, 2024

Cafe du Pont and MJC dates...

Nice idea!! And another for the diary.
Don't forget the 14th, Sunday, at 5.00 in the MJC where our own Vox Vallis are singing fit to bust :) 


April 6, 2024

April Saturday

Had lunch in St Hilaire yesterday, what an amazing little village - unchanged since the medieval days. Dear Lizzie Jackson fed us with local fare ( globe artichokes,  salmon and asparagus,  strawberries) fab AND healthy!

Evening in Esperaza was Samba...

Here are Nick and Barbara beating the bejazus out of it, pounding Rue Gambetta into shape -

congrats to all and to John-Luc at Tout l'Apero who loves a challenge -

Off to market now so more anon :)

April 5, 2024

La vie en rose in Esperaza

Yesterdays lunch with Dougie and Regina - wonderful food (=soup of carrot, plus magic: tortilla; a vegan trifle ) wonderful conversation and a fair amount of hilarity. Hot sun and bird song. Life is pretty damn good.

Don't forget! The stage is up for Saturday nights' samba